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Re: fail2ban with nftables

On 29/06/17 00:13, Denis Polom wrote:
On Debian 9 with latest updates, fail2ban not creating rules when used with nftables:

2017-06-29 01:06:14,217 fail2ban.action [2593]: ERROR nft add set inet filter f2b-sshd \{ type ipv4_addr\; \} nft insert rule inet filter INPUT tcp dport \{ ssh \} ip saddr @f2b-sshd reject -- stdout: b'' 2017-06-29 01:06:14,218 fail2ban.action [2593]: ERROR nft add set inet filter f2b-sshd \{ type ipv4_addr\; \} nft insert rule inet filter INPUT tcp dport \{ ssh \} ip saddr @f2b-sshd reject -- stderr: b'<cmdline>:1:1-74: Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory\ninsert rule inet filter INPUT tcp dport { ssh } ip saddr @f2b-sshd reject\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n' 2017-06-29 01:06:14,218 fail2ban.action [2593]: ERROR nft add set inet filter f2b-sshd \{ type ipv4_addr\; \} nft insert rule inet filter INPUT tcp dport \{ ssh \} ip saddr @f2b-sshd reject -- returned 1 2017-06-29 01:06:14,218 fail2ban.actions [2593]: ERROR Failed to start jail 'sshd' action 'nftables-multiport': Error starting action

Let me know what more info you need.

Any idea?

The 0.8 fail2ban package doesn't seem to have nftables config files, but 0.9 does so maybe you have custom stuff that's causing problems, although with Shorewall and long ago it looks like the same kind of thing.

If your ban action isn't nftables-allports or nftables-multiport hopefully just changing to use those new packaged files would work.



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