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Re: how to config wireless card

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 06:37:30AM +0800, Long Wind wrote:
> I have installed a wireless card
> the kernel recognize it
How do you know?

> but how to config it? I mean "how to connect it to a wireless router"
> In Windows XP I have configed it, it's easy.
gratulations again.
> Thanks!

OK, how to ask smart questions.
Since there are so many ways how you can set up debian there are also many
answers to your question. Since nobody really has a magic crystal bowl you
have to be a bit more detailed how you 
1.) explain what you did
2.) expected
3.) which expectations failed to materialize and any error you got.

If you have a default installation with a gnome desktop:
- go to the upper right corner.
- klick
- enable wireless
- pick your essid
- enter you password

As you said: it's easy my friend.


Henning Follmann           | hfollmann@itcfollmann.com

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