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Re: hotpluggable member of a bridge

Am 05.01.2017 um 10:29 schrieb tomas@tuxteam.de:
> and delegates to specialized subsystems. In a pinch you can just sneak
> a complete shell script in an udev rule (and I'm guilty of having done
> such a thing [2]), but doing this as "system architecture" might lead to
> madness :-)

> [2] Once, for a customer: inserting the right storage medium (with
>    the right UUID) triggered a system backup.

Please don't do that. udev is a not a service manager and starting (long
running) tasks from a udev rule is bad.
See also the udev man page:

    Starting daemons or other long-running processes is not appropriate
    for udev; the forked processes, detached or not, will be
    unconditionally killed after the event handling has finished.

If you want to trigger the start of a service via udev, tag the device
with "systemd" and use SYSTEMD_WANTS [1] via a custom udev rule, like

<your matches>,TAG+="systemd",ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="foo.service"



Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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