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set domain name in Debian `

This seems to be a common question -- it's all over the 'Net. 

I have to change the domain name of a Jessie server I'm working on. How do you do it? (Aside from putting the FQDN in /etc/hostname, which kinda works.)

I've seen several posts on the subject, all contradicting each other, and none of them work. The answer must be in this list's archive, but I can't find it. 

The most common answer has to do with /etc/hosts, but the data is already in there (at the top, with the correct IP), and the system isn't impressed (rebooting makes no difference). Man is no help. Editing /etc/resolv.conf has no effect. Books on Debian and Linux don't help, although it seems to be trivial on RedHat.

/proc/sys/domainname says "(none)". hostname -f gives the old domain name (where does it get it). grep -ir doesn't find the old name string anywhere in /etc or in /lib.

I know it must be simple to do -- the installer does it without downloading a C library, but it must be in a secret place I don't know about...

Glenn English

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