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Re: wheezy, cannot change the address of eth1

On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 01:13:56PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> The output on screen for an /etc/init.d/networking restart for eth1 is:
> Configuring interface eth1=eth1 (inet)
> run-parts --verbose /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
> run-parts: executing /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools
> run-parts: executing /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wpasupplicant
> ip addr add broadcast 	 dev eth1 
> label eth1
> ip link set dev eth1   up
>  ip route add default via  dev eth1 
> RTNETLINK answers: File exists
> Failed to bring up eth1.

Start by showing the contents of /etc/network/interfaces.

Then find out whether a DHCP client daemon is already running.  If you
installed with DHCP (the default) and then edited /e/n/i but didn't stop
dhclient beforehand, then ifdown won't know to kill dhclient and you'll
have to kill it by hand (or reboot).

ps auxw | egrep 'dhclient|dhcpcd'
kill if necessary
ifdown eth1
edit /etc/network/interfaces if necessary
ifup eth1

If this doesn't work, then show the output of "ip addr show eth1"
and the network-relevant parts of dmesg (e.g. "dmesg | grep eth" is
often a good start).

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