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Re: Scanning on Debian Jessie (kodakaio / sane issue)

( Original issue: https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2016/03/msg00241.html )
Unfortunately I was not able to resolve this problem. After a week of troubleshooting, I've settled on some workarounds, which I'm posting below.
Giving the limited information I've been able to find, I believe this is a problem specific to using a Kodak All-In-One (kodakaio) scanner with sane on Debian Jessie.
As mentioned in my first post, I am able to scan on Ubuntu/Xubuntu/etc which uses the following packages:
libsane, libsane-common, sane-utils (**All version 1.0.23 on Ubuntu**)
Debian Jessie Stable is currently v1.0.24. I tried installing v1.0.25 from a different Debian repo, but still had the same errors. I then tried using Debian snapshots to install the Wheezy version (1.0.22). Unfortunately that version did not have a kodakaio back-end. So version 1.0.23 is the only one that worked for me with kodakaio.
However, any GUI (like xsane/simplescan) that I installed either didn't recognize the v1.0.23 SANE packages and/or reinstalled the v1.0.24 packages. In my numerous attempts to get a compatible GUI working with the 1.0.23 packages, I ended up having to reinstall my entire operating system in order to clean up the mess.
Having spent a week on this, these seem to be the options:
1) Buy a new, non-Kodak, printer (ugh)
2) Scan to an SD card inserted into the kodak (low quality, limited functionality)
3) Use a USB/pen-drive version of Ubuntu whenever I need to scan (okay for infrequent use)
4) Scan from the command line on Debian Jessie (okay)
If I used the scanner frequently, I'd probably opt for a new scanner. But since I mostly only need an occasional document scanned, I'm using the command line option. Anyone interested in that can read below for instructions.
[Instructions for command line scanning on kodakaio with sane]
1) I first removed the v1.0.24 libsane, libsane-common, and sane-utils via Synaptic Package Manager
2) I got v1.0.23 of the sane-backends from: https://alioth.debian.org/frs/?group_id=30186
3) Extracted that and then ran the following command in the new diretory:
# ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var BACKENDS=kodakaio
4) Then, I did NOT use "make install" (that's part of what led to having to reinstall my OS). Instead, I used Synaptic to install "checkinstall" (it makes package available/uninstallable via Synaptic). Once installed, close Synaptic and then run this command:
# checkinstall
Here's how I do an 8.5x11 (US Letter size) scan:
# cd /home/user/Documents  (or wherever you want the scan saved)
# scanimage -d kodakaio --mode gray --resolution 300 -x 215.9 -y 279.40 > MyDocScan.pgm
(for different sizes, note that x/y are in millimeters)
To see other options (for color/resolution/etc), do this command:
# scanimage --help -d 'kodakaio'
Once scanned, you can then adjust the image with GIMP. For a document, this is what I do in GIMP:
.. Colors -> Brightness/Contrast -> Contrast to 30
.. Image -> Scale Image -> Then choose either 300 or 72 pixel resolution (72 is blurry), and set to 8.5x11 inches
.. File -> Export -> Select File Type (Portable Doc Format / PDF) -> Export
This is not ideal, but it works. Again, another (maybe safer) option is to use Ubuntu on a pen-drive for infrequent scanning. If anyone finds a way to get the kodaio working on Debian Jessie's current sane/libsane, please post a followup. I'd much rather use a GUI like xsane or simplescan.
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