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Creating a Debian Live image via chroot

Hello, I am trying to include the debian installer (or an alternative, if any) in a live cd I am creating myself, the problem is, I have no idea how to set it up nor could I find any relevant information on the internet or wiki. All I know is that I need to have debian-installer-launcher installed but that does not seem to work, giving an error saying that kexec is not a valid plugin, it is quite possibly a missing package but I have no clue because there is no documentation or I don't know where the relevant documentation is.

The guide I used as a base for my live cd is this, with a few modifications https://l3net.wordpress.com/2013/09/21/how-to-build-a-debian-livecd/ .

Any help?

Debian Jessie 8.5.0 amd64

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