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Re: All settings are lost at logout

On Monday 21 November 2016 11:58:39 Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 11:53:35AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Call up a terminal, and type:
> >
> > cd
> > sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername *
> This will miss the dot files, and the home directory itself.
> sudo chown -R "$LOGNAME:$LOGNAME" .
True, my bad.  OTOH, if he has somehow lost ownership of /home/him, he 
has a much larger problem, and he will need to become root and cd 
to /home, then use your command line verbatum, but I would first


To find out who the system really things he is.

> And of course, you are doing this interactively, NOT in a script,
> which means you should notice if the cd fails.  If the cd fails, DO
> NOT run the chown command.

Yep, he has much bigger problems in that event.

> It would also be a good idea to *check* the ownerships of everything
> before doing the chown, just to make sure you're solving the correct
> problem.

In my case thats around 35 Gb of stuff to sift thru as my email corpus 
goes back to around 2002 in some maildirs. Since I should absolutely own 
everything in my ~/usr directory, its just easier to let the system do 
it since it can't hurt anything.  I don't know of, or am not familiar 
with, any tool in our bag of tricks that could easily find the missed 

Obviously the thought of doing that at the filesystems root = / would 
inflict damages similar to an rm -Rf. Common sense will be needed.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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