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Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8.2, wheezy install

On Friday 22 July 2016 04:30:42 Liam R. E. Quin wrote:
And I put back on the list.
> To draw text...
> 1. make a new image, RGB, 1000x1000 pixels (for example)
> 2. press t or choose the A in the toolbox
> 3. click on the canvas
> 4. You'll see a group of four boxes appear, and some controls.
> 5. Type, hello world
> 6. The group of four boxes turns into four boxes with a rectangle
> between, with text in it; the boxes move further apart as you type.
> So,
> Do you see the controls?
> Do you see the rectangles to the lower left of the controls?
> Does the group of rectangles change shape as you type?
> Do you see the text?
> Open Tool Options (from the gimp menus, windows->dockable dialogues-
> >tool options) - tool options is often joined ("docked") under the
>  toolbox where the "A" was found.
> In Tool Options you should see an Aa and the name of the Font. If the
> text is not appearing, or if you don't have an "Aa" under the word
> Text in tool options, click the region under the word Text and to the
> left of the font name to get a pop-up of fonts, and choose one.
> If that didn't make the text appear, check the Colour is black and
> your picture has a white background.

Aww come on Liam, pictures have all sorts of colors in them, including 
black, so one must be able to set a different color and make it stick.  
How I found the actual text curser after clicking inside the box I had 
expanded was by blowing the image up from 25% to about 200%, at which 
point I could see that where I had clicked was the I curser used for 
text editing.

The default setting for text entry give you a poor font, so small that to 
see the default little 4 squares icon expand, you would have half the 
front page of the daily fishwrap typed in. Then to have to swipe select 
it with the mouse and apply the font and size settings is so close to 
unusable in the real world that anyone with a photoshop background would 
run screaming back to windows and photoshop.  And thats not how to win 
converts to anything linux related.

Is there a file someplace where I can edit those "defaults" to something 
that is actually usable?

You can select the font and size only after the text entry is done, and 
you cannot apply a typo correction or color without going back all the 
way by swipe selection and selecting the font and size all over again. 
And the color selection does not apply it to the text typed.

> If that didn't help see the Size under the font name, ,and click on
> the little up-arrow to the right of the number, and see if making the
> font larger makes it work.

That defaults to incrementing the leftmost number of the size regardless 
of the measurement method selected, so to get something reasonable, I 
selected inch and overtyped 0.300.  Which worked, but the newly expanded 
text was still black.  And lord help you if you have to fix a typo, as 
it reverts to a 0.060 px high sans font when you try to edit what you 
can now see.

I don't care if this plays in Peoria, but it sure doesn't play well here.

> I hope this helps.

It will help only if it gets fixed, particularly by making the font 
selected be used as you are typing the text, thats for starters, and 
make it work in the color selected, that orange ghost shown for a 
character box, with character only faintly visible behind the orange 
overlay is fugly at best.  This revert everything to sans, black, and 
0.060 px high is totally unusable when I have 20 such pictures to 

So where do I file a bug report, and how long would it take to get the 
fix backported to wheezy?

> Liam

Thanks Liam, I am afraid my frustration with this totally broken tool is 
showing thru.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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