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ssh again

Having got ssh working reliably oevr my home network, tahnks ot teh opatient 
help of thsi list, I am now trying to copy files aroind.  I am on, but have sshed in to (I must get hostnames 
working :-(  ).

The other day I successfully ciopied a pictiyure from .2 to .3, and now I am 
tring to copy from .3 to .2.  I have been usinmg this:
"To copy a file from B to A while logged into B:

scp /path/to/file username@a:/path/to/destination

Here is what I have done (all of it, in case something I deem irrelevant is 
the crux of the matter)):
lisi@Tux-II:~$ ssh peter@
peter@'s password:

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the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
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Last login: Tue Jun 14 15:17:05 2016
peter@Nyx-II:~$ cd Lisi/
peter@Nyx-II:~/Lisi$ ls
Council-tax-bill                           Packages-installed-on-Tux-II
Drug-order_13-08-26.odt                    P-passport
file2ssXvS.xlsx                            tax-info
grub-warnings-when-updating-to-7.2         tax-info_81-purchase
Ken-Blue-10.jpg                            TheSecretsOfStationX
libflashplayer.so.odt                      Tux-II_sources.list
L-passport.pdf                             watch
L-passport.png                             watch-colour
Mass-of-Christ-the-King_singing-order.odt  Wireless-tests.odt
peter@Nyx-II:~/Lisi$ cp Ken-Blue-10.jpg Lisi@
cp: cannot create regular file ‘Lisi@’: No such file or 
peter@Nyx-II:~/Lisi$ cp Ken-Blue-10.jpg 
cp: cannot create regular file ‘Lisi@’: No 
such file or directory

Once I have one file copied, I shall divert back to square one and sort out 
host names, starting with the hints I have already been given.  I can't keep 
using full IPs!

After all this, my main motivation for learning right now was to ssh into two 
computers that I administer 11 miles away, without having to bother the 
owners (I would just have to say: leave your computers turned on), and I'm 
not going to be able to do it, I think, because their ISP uses dynamic 
IPs. :-(  (I have a static IP.)


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