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Re: Modified Rapture<g>, and a new question

On Sat 02 Apr 2016 at 16:42:35 -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:

>          Well, it doesn't contain emacs or tex or mutt, or ImageMagick.  Why are you
>          telling me what it 'should' have?

I have touched on this in another post but here is a fuller answer:

A netinst image is about 300M. The vendor has sold you a DVD. There is a
lot of wasted space if it only holds that image. You haven't responded
to the question asking for image identification of the disk. We will
assume it is DVD-1. This image contains mutt and ImageMagick. That is
why you are being told it "'should' have". Why you think it doesn't is a

> I hope for further responses from people who have _answers_, although I'll try to
> respond to questions of significance.  To repeat: I want to know how to install
> SW that I need from off the thumb drive(aka USB stick)

You have had responses from people who have answers. None of them appear
to meet your "significance" criterion. Repeating your question again is
unlikely to produce better answers. Responding to a mail or two might
get you further on.

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