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Re: How to install wine (Was: empty subject)

[Mon, 7 Mar 2016 16:45:22 +0100] Milos Djeric <djericmilos12@gmail.com>
> How to install wine on debian 8 Jessie 64bit?Why is so hard and hear
> tearing to manage this?I searched on internet try ewerything
> installed from synaptic from terminal either works and when i tupe in
> terminall wine --version it show  wine 1.6.2 but on start meny on
> cinamon lxde xfce etc nowhere to find.Please if you hawe solution for
> this quide me because i not a expert for this kind of problem..

There is no need to have it in the menu.

Open a terminal and type `winecfg` (ENTER) to configure wine. Then, go
to a folder containing any windows executable and open a terminal
there. Enter `wine application.exe` (where `application.exe` is the
windows program file) to run it using wine.



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