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ImageMagick (display) unable to load font

Trying to run the 'display' command from ImageMagick without an argument
gives the following "error" (the app does not open at all):

curty@einstein:~$ display
display.im6: unable to load font
`-microsoft-verdana-*-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*': Resource temporarily
unavailable @ error/xwindow.c/XBestFont/834.

This since I upgraded from Squeeze lts to Wheezy the other day.  I had
the same problem in 2011 on a fresh install of Squeeze, which inspired
me to install the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package initially (and that
made the problem go away).  This option is no longer available however
as I already have the microsoft fonts installed (not that I really want
them for anything but a workaround).

I don't how to solve this problem.  Why an open source program would ask
for a proprietary font in order to work is beyond my comprehension.

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