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Re: Debian as My home firewall/router

On 02/27/2016 06:22 AM, heqamilus wrote:
I know that is possible to build a firewall using Debian. I'm
searching for some tutorials, I need to know the system's utility to
configure  Debian installation in this way. For example, manage
network interfaces, NAT, vlan and optionally DNS

I'm able to do basic firewalling and install and use server

On 02/27/2016 08:49 AM, Reco wrote:
Please. "Out-of-the-box" IPCop (version 2.1.8 I just grabbed from
the Sourceforge) does have:

1) No meaningful DNSSEC capability.

2) Presence of libfontconfig.so *and* fonts for no good reason.

3) Bunch of questionable quality root-owner SUID binaries in
/usr/local/bin, intended to be called from Web-interface.

4) Lack of any pre-installed IDS.

5) Outdated kernel 3.4, configured *without* SELinux, Apparmor or
tomoyo support.

Oh, did I mention that *primary* download mirror for this
distribution is the Sourceforge?

IPCop can be an interesting solution for a host on an internal
network, which nobody intends to poke, but suggesting putting *this*
to serve as a firewall from an Internet is a joke.

You seem to know a fair amount about firewalls. Would you care to address the following questions?

1. Where can we learn about the features the OP wants, and how to implement them in Debian?

2. Where can we learn about the features that you say IPCop is missing and/or the problems that you say IPCop has?

3. What is your opinion of pfSense?


4.  What is your opinion of Firewall Builder?


5. What tools/ distributions do you use and recommend for Internet-ready firewalls?


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