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Re: changing partition names

Frank McCormick a écrit :
> I have deleted a partition from my HD containing a distro I no longer use.
> As a result, my partitions on /dev/sda are numbered sda1. sda2 (windows) 
> and sda4. sda3 contained the distro I dumped.
> Can I just use fdisk or fsdisk to dump the existing partition record
> edit the file to change sda4 to sda3 and then use fdisk or sfdisk to
> read the file and create a properly named partition record ?

The partition is already properly named. There is nothing wrong in
having unused partition entries between used partition entries. The
partition table is just that : a table.

Why would you want to renumber the partition ? It provides absolutely no
benefit and can break things such as the bootloader which may seek data
on partitions identified by their numbers.

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