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Re: Amarok using 5% CPU when idle

On Thursday 11 February 2016 20:23:36 Martin Read wrote:
> Is there a good reason why Amarok consumes 5% CPU even when it isn't
> doing anything useful? (2.2GHz amd64 processor)
> The interactive UI is not open, I'm not writing new files into my music
> library directory, and it isn't playing any music.

lisi@Tux-II:~$ top | grep amarok
 PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S  %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           
 4326 lisi      20   0  561m  65m  40m S   0.3  0.4   5:24.15 amarokapp

root@Tux-II:/home/lisi# lscpu
Architecture:          x86_64
CPU(s):                4
Vendor ID:             GenuineIntel
CPU family:            6
CPU MHz:               3500.062


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