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Re: How to access my new fileserver?

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On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 04:27:13PM +0000, Sharon Kimble wrote:


> But I can't ssh into it using 'ssh foo@fooserver'. Every time that I try
> it appears not to connect, just leaving a blank access line and my ram
> is gradually being eaten away which makes this machine slow down! Not
> good really. I can access with 'ssh -v foo@fooserver' which shows the
> remote ssh log, but aren't able to do anything else with it. And I can
> ping it, but haven't been able to do much else.

Let's recap: you can "ping fooserver" and it answers, but "ssh foo@fooserver"
is dead --> have you made sure that fooserver has an ssh daemon installed
and running? (in Debian that would be the package openssh-server).

I don't understand a couple of things:

> [...] my ram
> is gradually being eaten away which makes this machine slow down!

which one: the fooserver or the client you are trying to access it
from? Most probably not related to your ssh problem, so it makes
sense to tackle that separately anyway.

> [...] I can access with 'ssh -v foo@fooserver' which shows the
> remote ssh log, but aren't able to do anything else with it. And I can

You can access it with "ssh -v ..." and not with "ssh ..."? That dosn't
make sense for me. Is that possible that you are only seeing the attempt
on your side? What's the output of this "ssh -v ..."?

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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