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Re: awffull?

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 10:41:11PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> As I've said several times, the web page in the sig is this machine.
> But something, on or about Nov 16th, disabled awffull, so I haven't had 
> any handy stats to look at recently.
> Tonight I read the man pages and found its a bad idea  to run it as root, 
> however, root's cronatb had no trace of it, and neither did mine.
> So I did a "sudo chown -R me:me /var/www/awffull" because what was there 
> was all owned by root.  Then I found it was being told 
> in /etc/awffull.conf, to use a logfile that was old for its data.  Fixed 
> that by putting it on the current logfile.
> Will that be a bite me in the future?
> Then I added an entry to my own crontab, telling it to regenerate the 
> data every 12 hours so what I see is relatively current.
> And ran it once as me just to get it tested/restarted.  Seems to be 
> working as expected.
> But it had been working for 3 or 5 years, up till Nov 16th, 2015.
> Was there an update that could have played with it, in about that time 
> frame?
> Thanks for any clues.

You might want to redo this to make /var/www content owned by a
user dedicated to web content, and make "me" a member of the
same group.

Just in case you have an unexpected executable somewhere in your 
web content, it's nice if that can only overwrite the web
content and not your home directory.

I don't have any clues about awfful, sorry.


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