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Re: googleearth-package (jessie)

On Sat, October 3, 2015 3:56 pm, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> I also thought that the package you were trying to install was
> called "googleearth".  It says so in the subject line.  Ah!  A search
> suggests that you did actually mean googleearth not gnome-earth.

As best as I can put together the pieces, some time ago Google created a
Debian package of Google Earth (gnome-earth-stable_current_i386.deb); the
package is available for download from http://www.google.com/earth/.  But
until recently, Debian users have experienced difficulty installing the
package and some have found the program problematic, once installed.

So, someone in the realm of Debian put together a package called
"googleearth-package", the function of which is to (1) download from the
Google web site the latest stable revision of Google Earth, (2) from it
build a new Debian package, and (3) install the new Debian package.  That
appears to have been a good solution.

However, pretty much coincident with the advent of Jessie, the
"gnome-earth-stable_current_i386.deb" package provided by Google appears
to install and run properly, at least when installed with the command
"gdebi gnome-earth-stable_current_i386.deb".

So, at the present time, it appears that the need for
"googleearth-package" has passed -- at least with respect to Jessie (and
in my case, with the combination of Xfce on an i386 system).  Direct
installation with gdebi is simpler and faster.

P.S. I am posting this to the list simply because the knowledge would have
saved me a number of hours of search and trial and error.


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