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Re: System freeze with multiple ttys in Debian Jessie

On 2015-07-03 00:40, Brian wrote:
I do not know what the explanation is in any detail but here is
something to do which is constructive and instructive:

mv ~/.bash_logout ~/.bash_logout-orig

and exit. Where are you now? X or a terminal?

Yes, without the logout script it works as expected; no tty switching
upon logout.

The ~/.bash_logout files on this machine and my working unstable
machine are identical. clear_console(1) on both tells me the same

clear_console -q

on the unstable machine always leaves me at a terminal; on this
machine the command almost always puts me into X.

According to the man page, clear_console "changes the foreground virtual
terminal to another  terminal  and  then back to the original terminal."
Apparently it's the switching back that  sometimes fails.

-- August

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