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Teeny tiny console font after firmware-linux

I always cleave to my number one fundamental rule: if it ain't 
broke don't fix it. Unless of course curiosity comes into the 
picture and momentarily releases the crazy person who lives in 
my head.

It wasn't pure unalloyed curiosity. I did see a line in dmesg 
telling me I should install the package noted. And no, I did not 
exercise due diligence, say, by looking into why I might 
"really" need that package, and into what awful things could 
happen to me if I failed in my allegiance to the Kernel Gods.

My spidey sense is tingling the way it almost always does when I 
try to foist off on a list a question I know must be a FAQ, but 
there you have it, nevertheless, as they say.

But, may I have my console font back, please? 

(I have Jessie amd64 here.)

Bob Bernstein


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