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Re: Colorized Prompts Problem - Thanks for the Deconstruction

Quoting Thomas H. George (lists@tomgeorge.info):
> > 
> Your explanation is very helpful, converts the jumble I copied from a
> website into a logical sequence of instructions. I really appreciate
> being able to understand the meaning of the prompt.

This conversation made me revisit my own prompt which I have now
modified. I thought I'd share it with you in case any part of it
should be helpful.

LOCAL_COLOR is set in a host-specific file that also sets things like
different colours for midnight commander (mc) so I know which host I'm on.

PROMPT_COMMAND adds a space after the return code and then removes
itself if it would print zero. It also sets the title-bar in an xterm,
again so I know where I am. (I have a couple of dozen xterms, some
ssh'd to other hosts.) Putting the tty number in the title bar makes
it easier to kill an xterm should it freeze.

PS1 makes any non-zero return code stand out; then the local colour
takes over the rest of the prompt. Note that the "0;" is required in
LOCAL_COLOR to cancel the earlier "1;" that highlights the return code.
Breaking the PS1 line into 3 parts avoids another level of quoting.

LOCAL_COLOR='\e[0;34m' # blue (this is in ~/.bash-<hostname>)

export PROMPT_COMMAND='MYPROMPT="$? " && [ "$MYPROMPT" = "0 " ] && MYPROMPT=""'
case $TERM in
	export PROMPT_COMMAND+=" || echo -ne '\e]0;${HOSTNAME^^}          $(tty)          ${HOSTNAME^^}\a'"

export PS1='\[\e[1;33;41m\]$MYPROMPT\['
export PS1+="$LOCAL_COLOR"
export PS1+='\]\H!\u \t \w \$ \[\e[m\]'


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