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Re: creating a simple private repository with reprepro

On Sun, Mar 01, 2015 at 11:03:30AM +0200, Asaf Dalet wrote:
> I have a private debian package which I want publish in binary format.
> I want to supply 2 binary versions:
> 1. precise/amd64
> 2. trusty/amd64
> [...]
> I read somewhere that reprepro does not support having 2 files with the same
> name in a repo. is it true?


> So, my questiona are eventually:
> 1. is there a way for me to use reprepro without changing my .deb file names?
> 2. if not, what's the simplest alternative?

I would recommend to give your packages different revision numbers
in debian/changelog before building them.
For example, append '+precise' or '+trusty' to the string inside '()'.
This results in different names for the .deb files and is sufficient
to prevent the name collision in reprepro's pool directory.

Alternatively, only build your package for the older distribution and
then try to use it on the newer one. If it works, you can include the
same package file in both distributions, and reprepro should stop

Finally, you could set up two independent reprepro repositories,
but I would only do this if the distributions are also maintained
independently (lets say Debian and Ubuntu).


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