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installing hplip-3.15.11 for my HP Deskjet_1000_J110

I've been trying to set up my HP Deskjet_1000_J110 which is recognised
by jessie, but when I print a test page it does it with no problem, but
when I try to print a letter from libreoffice, it just churns out blank

So I've downloaded hplip-3.15.11 and tried to run it to install it, but
it is consistently failing at this point -

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
hplip-install[17648]: info: :[01mENTER ROOT/SUPERUSER PASSWORD[0m
hplip-install[17648]: info: :[01m-----------------------------[0m
error: Password incorrect. 2 attempt(s) left.
error: Password incorrect. 1 attempt(s) left.
error: Password incorrect. 
error: 3 incorrect attempts. (or) Insufficient permissions(i.e. try with sudo user).
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

When I set up this 64-bit machine I allowed the system to make me
superuser as part of the setup, but when I enter my password it is
consistently failing to recognise me as superuser.

The only way that I can install ~/Downloads/hplip-3.15.11.run, actually
the command is -

│sh hplip-3.15.11.run

is by prefacing it with 'sudo' and then it fails to install the printer
as 'user'.

How then can I install hplip-3.15.11 as user please? And then get it to
print things out properly?

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian 8.0, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 24.5.1

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