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Re: [OT] Linux for Lettuce


Gene Heskett wrote:
> Now that I've had time to think, the name was Smyce

Percy Schmeiser's legal adventures match the story.
I understand he purposefully used the windfall genes from
the neighbor fields to produce his own Monsanto seeds.
(Canola (tm), not rapeseed, because people would not buy
 oil from rape, of course.)

He lost, but got away for cheap.

The interesting controversy would be, if i call myself breeder
and sue Monsanto for polluting my work with their patents, thus
depriving me of the right to squeeze money out of farmers.
If it's their genes, then they have the duty to keep them out
of my fields, as they have the duty to keep off their cattle.

Well, Monsanto genes are mostly illegal in Europe, anyway.
(Our patent office granted a patent on human genes. Against the
 law. Then it claimed the law prohibited to revoke it.
 Finally the patent holder gave it back after too much hate

Have a nice day :)


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