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Re: why jessie is quick at boot/shutdown

On 10/7/15, Li Wei <rootof3@yahoo.com> wrote:
> boot time and shutdown time shorten a lot in jessie
> and a lot of details is hidden from user
> Could you explain it? Thanks a lot!!

DISCLAIMER: I just wrote all this up then realized you might not be
using GRUB. If you're not, someone else will maybe be able to pick up
and run with the alternative.

So what I did was: I just tried a couple searches based on my
understanding that you're looking for a more "verbose" output during
bootup and shutdown. Without even visiting any websites in the
Internet search output, I picked up the word "bootlogd". One more
search later, I ended up here:


A Debian site, yay. :)

I just popped into my own (Sid unstable) /etc/default/grub and found
their referenced line, this one:


If you test drive change that line to either of their value
recommendations, "" or "text", don't forget to update GRUB via the
command "update-grub". You won't see any changes reflected until you
do so.

I also just quickly ran "apt-cache search bootlogd" for their other
recommendation. That (terminal command line search) output this

"bootlogd - daemon to log boot messages"

Bootlogd may or may not be default installed on various systems. Just
for funnsies, running the command "dpkg -s bootlogd" reflects it's NOT
on my extremely basic (homegrown) debootstrap copy.

Hope this helps someone somewhere.. :)

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* yawns at the mere thought of the word.. yaw-w-w-w-wn.. *

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