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Re: CD DVD drive docs


doark@mail.com wrote:
> Also, should I get a copy of the various coloured books? Orange, Red,
> etc?

Only if you can (*), and are interested in antique CD specs
beyond what is told in SCSI volumes MMC-1 to MMC-3. Since MMC-4,
CD info is vanishing from MMC.
See for a list of topics:

(*) They are not simply at sale. A good old university library
    might have them in the electrical engineering department.

i wrote:
> > No lock function and no open(2) flag is really safe.
> This sounds like bug could you forward or in some way enlighten me as
> to the facts behind this conclusion?


It reflects the situation of 2007. Replace in URLs
"libburnia.pykix.org" by "libburnia-project.org".

> I have to leave my
> computer while it burns because it can't stand another task running
> and set the speed for DVD to 4x and CD to 10x.

Vulnerable are CD-R[W] and DVD-R[W].
You should try to find the culprit who gropes your drive
while it is burning. If there is any and if it uses the
kernel then btrace(8) should show its activities.
Obviously it needs you at the input devices to take
this as reason to inspect the CD drive.

Another remedy would be to use DVD+R instead of DVD-R.

If speed influences the problem, then it is probably rather
due to drive-and-media problems.

(You aren't using olde IDE disk and burner as master and
 slave at the same controller, are you ?)

Have a nice day :)


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