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Re: Virtual noobie

On Tue, 18 Aug 2015, Bob Bernstein wrote:

> My experience of virtualization has been with Vmware "player" 
> running on Windows. This is, for me, rather neat since I can 
> easily create instances of *bsd flavors from the relevant 
> install iso's.
> I need advice on how to do this on Jessie. What Debian 
> virtualization packages do people like? I guess I should say I 
> am looking for a host package that runs on linux, and supports 
> *bsd guests.
> All suggestions will receive fair and impartial consideration!

VirtualBox.  It's easy, and installs and runs like an app.  However, I
don't use the version in the Debian repo.  I download directly from the
VirtualBox web site, and have its installer set everything up, etc.
Be sure to read, study and follow the instructions.


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