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Re: What pulls in the tray of my /dev/sr1 ?


i wrote:
> > LG Germany answered quickly and stated that the drive is
> > not known to show this behavior under MS-Windows.

Lisi Reisz wrote:
> Well, it was a nice idea while it lasted.  And worth testing.

Your theory is not totally ruled out yet.
It is just hard to test because to surely distinguish it from
the EFI theory i would have to put the drive into a BIOS computer
and check whether the behavior changes.

Currently i am not ready to shut down the machine.
But when i do, i will make some experiments and maybe even
break out the screw driver. (Being entirely softwerker this
is not my usual habit.)

Nicolas George wrote:
> You could test if the observed behaviour happens when the computer is on the
> UEFI boot menu or the GRUB menu.

That will be the first stage of testing, yes.
If it is an EFI runtime feature it might be not present
before GRUB2 starts.
I will also try a non-Debian rescue system for BIOS.
Any constellation were the drive tray stays out will
free LG drive firmware from suspicion.


At Linux runtime there seems to be few opportunity to
access EFI. According to
and my kernel version 3.16.0-4-amd64, i should have the modern
efivarfs. lsmod reports
  efivarfs               12902  0 
but there is no directory /sys/firmware/efi.
If i do

  mkdir /mnt/efivars
  mount -t efivarfs none /mnt/efivars 

i get

  mount: unknown filesystem type 'efivarfs'


Have a nice day :)


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