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Re: Bash script calling python script fails

Le 16/06/2015 12:47, tomas@tuxteam.de a écrit :
On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 11:23:51AM +0200, rudu wrote:
There's something I just can't figure out :
I wrote a bash script to compare my actual IP address to the one of
my DynDNS service provider.
That bash script calls a python script (provided by the DynDNS
service) to update my DynDNS Address if necessary.
Everything runs smoothly when I run my script by hand as root or as
a standard user.

But when I put a symbolic link to my script in /etc/network/if-up.d/
in order to make the checking / updating automatic at boot time, the
python script doesn't seem to be launched at all, although my Bash
script logs fine and sends me a success e-mail.

What could prevent a python script to be executed in such circumstances ?
Difficult to say without seeing the actual scripts, but my hunch would be
that some environment variable(s) is different when run "by hand" and
when run from if-up. The first candidate would be, of course, PATH.

If you call ipcheck from the shell script just like "ipcheck.py", then
the shell looks for it in all places indicated by $PATH.

As a first test, try putting the call with the full path like so:
/usr/local/bin/ipcheck.py (replace the path by the correct one in
your case).

- -- tomás
Thank you Tomas,
You're right I should have pasted my script in the first place (see below).
By the way, you'll see I already thought about this $PATH thing, but unless I forgot something that doesn't seem to be the case here.
So, briefly said, that line :
/usr/bin/python /home/rudu/DynHost/ipcheck.py $OPTIONS $LOGIN $PASSWORD $HOST >> $THISLOG runs as expected when the script is launched "manually" but nothing happens at boot time.


#! /bin/sh

OPTIONS="-r checkip.dyndns.org:8245"

getip() {
wget -O /home/rudu/DynHost/index.html -o /dev/null http://checkip.dyndns.org/ IP=`cat /home/rudu/DynHost/index.html | fgrep "Address" | cut -f2 -d":" | cut -f1 -d"<" | sed -e "s/ //g"` OLDIP=`dig my.dynhost.org | grep -i -A 1 'answer section' | grep my.dynhost | cut -f2 -d"A" | cut -f2 | sed -e "s/ //g"`

    echo ---------------------------------- >> $LOGFILE
    echo `date` >> $LOGFILE
    echo Démarrage de DynHost >> $LOGFILE

    if [ "$IP" ]; then
        if [ "$OLDIP" != "$IP" ]; then
            echo -n "Ancienne IP: " >> $LOGFILE
                    echo $OLDIP >> $LOGFILE
                       echo -n "Nouvelle IP: " >> $LOGFILE
                      echo $IP >> $LOGFILE
            echo "Mise à jour!" >> $LOGFILE

            echo "Log ipcheck   :   " > $THISLOG
/usr/bin/python /home/rudu/DynHost/ipcheck.py $OPTIONS $LOGIN $PASSWORD $HOST >> $THISLOG
            cat $THISLOG >> $LOGFILE
            SUBJECT="Update DynDNS OVH"
            # Email To ?
            # send an email using /bin/mail
            /usr/bin/mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL" < $THISLOG

                       echo IP Identique! Pas de mise à jour. >> $LOGFILE
         echo Panique à bord: Aucune IP Disponible!! >> $LOGFILE

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