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Re: Resizing partitions on a headless server

On 14/06/15 08:26 AM, csanyipal@gmail.com wrote:
csanyipal@gmail.com writes:

Gary Dale <garydale@torfree.net> writes:
On 13/06/15 03:19 PM, csanyipal@gmail.com wrote:
My headless powerpc box can't boot from CD because it hasn't CD
device. It only has USB drive. Furthermore, it can't boot with an usual
system rescue image installed on USB stick, because it uses uImage. I
tried systemrescuecd ( http://www.sysresccd.org ), gparted live to boot
with, but without success.

I think I have the possibility to use serial console only. There I can
run parted but don't know how to fix with it the problem I made.

Otherwise, there is always testdisk or your backups.
I just installed testdisk and try followings:
Segmentation fault

So, I can't use testdisk here.
Finally, I solved the problem by doing the followings:
# lvresize --size 455.5G /dev/mapper/bubba-storage
# e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/bubba-storage
# resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/bubba-storage
# reboot

So now I get back my /home partition and can ssh into my server.

Now, I can to use parted to resize my partitions.
What is my goal?

Filesystem                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                  9.2G  8.0G  815M  91% /
devtmpfs                   125M     0  125M   0% /dev
tmpfs                      125M  4.0K  125M   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                      125M  5.6M  120M   5% /run
tmpfs                      5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs                      125M     0  125M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/bubba-storage  449G  8.2G  418G   2% /home
tmpfs                       25M     0   25M   0% /run/user/1001

# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Device     Boot     Start       End   Sectors   Size Id Type
/dev/sda1              63  19551104  19551042   9.3G 83 Linux
/dev/sda2        19551105 974647484 955096380 455.4G 8e Linux LVM
/dev/sda3       974647485 976768064   2120580     1G 82 Linux swap / Solaris

# lvs
   LV      VG    Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log
   Cpy%Sync Convert
     storage bubba -wi-ao---- 455.40g

# pvs
   PV         VG    Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
     /dev/sda2  bubba lvm2 a--  455.42g 20.00m

As one can see, my /dev/root partition is almost full.
I want to increase /dev/root partition to be maximum available size and
decrease /home partition to only 20 GiB.

So can be the /var directory large enough to encompass the web and other

What are your advises, what do I do to reach my goal?

My advice is to leave well enough alone until such time as you are fully comfortable using the tools. Then proceed modifying one partition at a time and verifying that it has worked before trying to do anything else.

You've just wasted a lot of time trying to do too much at once. This is your data that you are playing with. Some extra umount/adjust/mount cycles are a small price to pay for minimizing the risk to your files.

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