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Re: Moving from a "686-pae" kernel to "amd64"?

On Saturday 28 February 2015 20:57:04 Sharon Kimble wrote:
> I installed this "jessie" setup on 10/02/14 from an old "wheezy"
> net-install disc dated 28/05/13! I'm in the process of downloading a
> jessie net-install for future installation.
> This setup is currently running a "3.16.0-4-686-pae" kernel. Is it a
> good idea to convert to a 64bit kernel, specifically
> "3.16.0-4-amd64"? And if it is a good idea, 
It is not.
> how do I do it? Is it as
> simple as downloading the "3.16.0-4-amd64" kernel, reboot to it, and
> delete the "3.16.0-4-686-pae" kernel?
> Thanks
> Sharon.
Yes, it is as easy as this to run into all kinds of problems.
This question has been asked before on this list and the answer is: Provided 
you got the 64bit hardware, reinstall a complete amd64 system.
If you need to install certain 32bit programs you will want to read up on 

Here are some words about a transition from i386 to amd64 but if you ask my 
opinion: far too much hassle - it's at least not worth my time.


If you can't afford to spend the time to reinstall completely right now, then 
stay with i386 until you can invest the time for a shiny new system.


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