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Re: Docbook and Debian - migration from DSSL to XSL stylesheets

On Ter, 24 Fev 2015, Markos wrote:

Over the past eight years I have been using Docbook in Debian 5.0 and 6.0 with the script "jw".

I received an information that the script "jw" uses DSSSL stylesheets and that it is obsolete and limited.

Would be better to migrate to XSL-based system and use XSL stylesheets.

But I'm just a user of Docbook with jw script (a handy tool) and don't know the structure of the DocBook files and programs.

Does anyone could suggest a step by step for me to do this migration?

Should I have to migrate to newer versions of Debian or just install some packages in my Debian Squeeze?

What output format do you want? For HTML, simply running a XSLT processor (such as the one in package xsltproc) against the stylesheet (contained in package docbook-xsl for Docbook 5 or docbook-xsl-ns for Docbook 5) is enough. See the documentation for the packages for a list of available stylesheets.

For other formats I cannot help you much, but I believe the first step is similar: use a stylesheet to convert the docboock source to an intermediate format, which is then processed by specific tools to generate the final output.


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