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Re: Writing to 2 TB USB hard drive fails

Rich wrote:
>  If you have any suggestions, or ideas for further tests, I would 
> appreciate them.

  with 512 byte blocks you may be running out of
inodes during the copy.  if you are going to persist at
using that small of a sector i'd make sure to allocate
some extra when you create the file system.

  please run 



df -i

  to check your current status...

  also check if you have any ntfs packages installed via:

dpkg -l | grep ntfs

should show something like:

ii  ntfs-3g                                     1:2014.2.15AR.2-1                      i386         read/write NTFS driver for FUSE

  also, scrounge-ntfs can be a useful utility if you have stuff on 
a damaged ntfs partition that you want to try to recover.  there's
probably other utilities out there to find stuff if needed
(ddrescue, testdisk are two that i've used in the past).


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