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Re: How to mount a LUKS partiotion with Nautilus with option discard?

Am Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:19:39 +0200 schrieb Hans:

> As far as I remember (and someone may correct me, if I am wrong) if
> there is an entry in fstab, the devices are not mounted by the GUI (I
> guess you mean dolphin).

I'm using Nautilus in GNOME. Dolphin is KDE. IMO fstab entries without 
the option 'auto' are visible in the sidebar could be mounted by the GUI.

This seems to be not the case for LUKS entries.

> Fstab is used for mounting at boot. Try to comment out the entry in
> fstab, but leave the entry in crypttab.

Tested. It doesn't work. There is no visible change. Even a single entry 
in crypttab isn't shown in the Desktop GUI.

Any further tips?

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