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Re: /dev/random5

On 3/08/2014 12:31 PM, David Christensen wrote:
> On 08/02/2014 12:16 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
>> As I understand it, he's asking whether any of us on the users list has
>> anaylyzed the output of both /dev/random and /dev/urandom .  Not just
>> whether any of us are having issues with blocking, but with the
>> randomness
>> as well.
> Another metric is throughput.  I recently wanted to fill a 3 TB HDD with
> random numbers prior to using it with LUKS, so I ran a test on my  my
> Intel DQ67SW i7-2600S machine:
>         # time dd if=/dev/urandom
> of=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3000DM001-1CH166_W1F1R3VC bs=4M count=100
>         100+0 records in
>         100+0 records out
>         419430400 bytes (419 MB) copied, 29.2232 s, 14.4 MB/s
>         real    0m29.225s
>         user    0m0.000s
>         sys     0m27.922s
> This is more than an order of magnitude slower than the drive's
> sequential write throughput.

I think you are going about doing LUKS poorly.

You need good random to get the key, so lots of entropy and use of
/dev/random ... not /dev/urandom.  You get your key using luksFomat
options when creating your volume.

After you have formatted your volume, but before you start using it, you
use dd to write /dev/zero to the entire volume -- due to the encryption
process, those zeros will be just random data based on the key, it
should be quicker that way ... calculated data for zero for that
particular byte of the disk, rather than blocking on /dev/random or
being /less/ real random by using /dev/urandom.

Here is an example of what I do when setting up LUKS volumes.

        # cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 -i 6000 \
              -y --use-random luksFormat /dev/md3

                -c specifies the algorithm (here AES with XTS)
                    aes-xts-plain64 (for +2tb volumes)
                    [default is aes-cbc-essiv (xts plain may be more

                -s specifies the length of the encryption key
                        (XTS uses two keys, each being 256 bytes)

                -h specifies the hashing algorithm

                -i specifies the number of milliseconds to spend with
                   PBKDF2 passphrase processing

                -y asks for the passphrase two times (as confirmation)

                        For  luksFormat these options define which
                        kernel random number generator will be used to
                        create the master key (which is a long-term

                        See NOTES ON RANDOM NUMBER GENERATORS for more
                        information. Use cryptsetup --help to show the
                        compiled-in default random number generator.

                        WARNING:  In  a  low-entropy situation (e.g. in
                        an embedded system), both selections are
                        problematic.  Using /dev/urandom can lead to
                        weak keys.  Using /dev/random can block a long
                        time, potentially forever, if not enough
                        entropy can be harvested by the kernel.

                # cryptsetup -v status u1
                /dev/mapper/u1 is active.
                  type:    LUKS1
                  cipher:  aes-xts-plain64
                  keysize: 512 bits
                  device:  /dev/md3
                  offset:  4096 sectors
                  size:    7813766784 sectors
                  mode:    read/write
                Command successful.

Once the volume is created, it is time to write /dev/zero across the
entire volume.

pv -tpreb /dev/zero | dd of=/dev/mapper/u1 bs=16M

Hope that helps.


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