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Re: I'm not a huge fan of systemd

On Tue, 2014-07-08 at 13:12 +0200, berenger.morel@neutralite.org wrote:

Le 08.07.2014 00:46, Andrei POPESCU a écrit :
> On Lu, 07 iul 14, 23:41:59, Miroslav Hrabal wrote:
>> Regarding reboot and shutdown, it's possible to handle this giving
>> regular users sudo permission to use /sbin/shutdown (or 
>> halt/reboot),
>> isn't it? Regarding automounting, I thought that it's usually 
>> handled
>> by gvfs? Why would anybody had to use systemd because of it?
>> (Sorry if I'm mistaken)
> Because you can't do it securely, unless you can reliably and 
> securely
> distinguish between users that are logged on locally or remote[1].
> Just imagine that "fun" one can have on a multi-user system by 
> remotely:
> - shutting down the system
> - reading contents of removable storage
> - listening in on audio streams (even the microphone)
> - recording from the webcam (bonus points for disabling the activity
>   led)
> If you find a way to solve this by using only traditional Unix groups
> I'm sure a lot of people would like to know how.

I can't, but I want to ask some questions about that problem you 
Are remote desktop the majority of linux uses?
Do you really need remote capabilities when you use your own computer?
What is the need of remote desktops on servers which are not dedicated?
exactly. why does Linux want to be a Windows DE? (multi-graph-sessions)? because someone calls 'it is a modern system'?
usually, if one system is used by several people, that is a server and the servers (if its admin learnt a little) doesn't have GUI because it's not necessary.

In short, is it smart to give a dependency to everyone for something 
which seems really addressing a problem for a minority? Especially when 
it makes that much noise?

Indeed, it's nice to have a software able to solve those issues. But, 
why not only making it a opt-in, instead of opt-out?
Because of the major DEs? Seriously, I think they are wrong since the 
day I definitely switched on linux, from windows, because windows'DE 
tries to do too much, and so takes a lot more resources that it really 
should. But...
I am not trying to impose my opinion and my uses to everyone (ok, to be 
honest, when I can convince someone to use i3, I try hehe. But I will 
never ask for the removal of gnome as the default Debian's DE.).

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