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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding


berenger.morel@neutralite.org a écrit :
> I am trying to build a virtual network exposing servers accessible from 
> the LAN.
> So I ask for 2 things:
> _ help on this particular problem
> _ if someone knows about resources to learn and understand how exactly 
> iptables work, this would help me a lot in the future

- Oskar Andreasson's iptables tutorial.
- netfilter and iptables articles in Wikipedia.

> For my particular problem.
> I have an eth0 interface, the real one, on ip
> I made a vlan in my /etc/network/interfaces, like this:
> ##############################
> auto eth0.1
> iface eth0.1 inet static
> 	address
> 	netmask
> 	vlan-raw-device eth0
> ##############################

What is the purpose of this VLAN ?

> In fact, I used the package vlan and some configuration inside 
> /etc/network/interface of the host to have the host having a virtual 
> second ethernet connexion, on which the VMs are connected.
> In the facts, there are 2 LANs, with the host computer being the 
> router.

A VLAN interface is not a virtual ethernet interface for communicating
with VMs. It is a sub-interface which transmits and receives ethernet
frames with a given IEEE 802.1Q tag. Usually the VM managers such as
virtualbox create their own virtual interface(s) on the host to
communicate with the VMs.

> On that network, I have some VMs with static IPs, and the one on which 
> I try to make the configuration for testing and learning purpose have an 
> apache2 server running and up ( I can query on it from my physical 
> computer ). It is using 2 network interfaces, a NAT one and a bridge 
> one, but for others I would like to remove the NAT one, since I need 
> them to simulate the production servers ( which are VMs too, but my 
> company does not control the system on which they are running. Otherwise 
> it would have be far easier: I would have read how it does to understand 
> things ) which only have one interface ( eth0 ).
> Both LANs ( the physical one and the virtual one ) works perfectly, but 
> now I would like to allow 2 things:
> _ VMs to access the physical LAN, so that they could access the apt 
> proxy I have installed there for installing softwares and updates

- Enable IP forwarding on the host acting as a router.
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

- Presumably, you need to masquerade forwarded packets from VMs to the
physical LAN if the physical hosts or their router doesn't have a route
to your virtual LAN.
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

> _ physical computers accessing VMs through some ports of my computer. 
> For example, redirecting "172.20.14.XX:80" to "". I will 
> do that port forwarding for ssh ( port 22 ), http ( port 80 ) and 
> postgresql ( port 5432 ) connections in a first time.

- You need port forwarding only if the physical hosts or their router
doesn't have a route to your virtual LAN.
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -d 172.20.14.XX \
   -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
(and so on for each port)

> And to add to the fun, I remember having discovered after several hours 
> last week that the port forwarding rules I built did not allowed the 
> host computer to access the VM, at least, not when asking on host'IP ( 
> aka 172.20.14.XX ).

- For this you need to do the port forwarding on locally generated packets.
# iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d 172.20.14.XX -p tcp --dport 80 \
   -j DNAT --to

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