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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

On 28/05/14 14:29, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Mi, 28 mai 14, 21:39:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> It's off-topic for this list,
> CC: and Reply-To: -offtopic, this time for real :(
> Please disregard the other post
Followup to list just puts it straight back there.

>> but I would be very curious to know how
>> much extra, on average, people would pay in order to get an IPv6
>> netblock. Maybe it really isn't commercially important.
> ISP: You can get a whole network block for just $AMOUNT per $PERIOD
> Customer: I just want my internet to work, why would I need a whole 
> network block?
> ISP: We are switching to this new generation internet which means all 
> customers will receive entire network blocks instead of a single address
> Customer: Then, why do I need to pay extra?

Customer is quite right. IP v6 doesn't cost the ISP more; why should he
charge the customer more? It's just part of the service.

Coincidentally, I had experience of this (lack of) thinking earlier this
week. I was (still am) in the market for a new VPS supplier. On
recommendations (good support, good throughput, etc) I registered with
Heart Internet, a small UK VPS supplier. I went through the rigmarole of
installing wheezy, and got round to configuring it. I couldn't get IP v6
to work. Contacted support, and the first droid didn't seem to know what
IP v6 was all about. After I explained, he told me "we don't support
that, and are never likely to". I then cancelled my registration.
Another, more clueful support droid then contacted me to say "we're
planning it for 2015, and we'll give you 3 months free service if you
stay with us". I pointed out that IP v6 has been mainstream for at least
a decade, why would they expect me to wait another year. I have lots of
"things" connected to the network, and really need that net block.

So, they lost a customer. Apart from the IP v6 issue, they seemed well
set up, so I'm quite disappointed it didn't work out. Meanwhile, I've
wasted a significant amount of time and effort.

Tony van der Hoff        | mailto:tony@vanderhoff.org
Buckinghamshire, England |

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