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Re: KDE locks up periodically

On 23/05/14 11:50 AM, filip wrote:
On Fri, 23 May 2014 11:30:26 -0400
Gary Dale <garydale@torfree.net> wrote:

On 23/05/14 09:37 AM, Christopher Judd wrote:
On Thursday, May 22, 2014 05:45:26 PM Gary Dale wrote:

I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system. The problem I'm
having is
that every several minutes or so, KDE lock ups.
It doesn't totally freeze but applications might get slow or even
responding entirely for a minute or two. Dolphin is particularly
bad. It
seems to lock up the longest. However even a game like kreversi
respond for a period. The mouse responds, as does keyboard input
konsole, but sometimes even Kicker (or whatever they're calling
launch bar these days) stops responding.
Iceweasel and Icedove also stop responding when the system all

I've checked Top and Iotop but nothing seems to be causing
disk or cpu activity. Even virtuoso, which has been implicated in
slowdowns, seems to be behaving itself. Killing it doesn't help.
I've been working in Gnome for the last half hour without
incident, so
It's probably not a hardware or network issue. However, I prefer
KDE and
would like to get back to it.
Any ideas?
I don't have any idea what is causing this, but I have KDE setup
with six virtual desktops. When an application freezes (Opera or
Dolphin, usually), switching desktops and returning generally fixes
it. It doesn't happen nearly as often as you describe, however,
maybe a few times a day.

Thanks Chris, but it's not the same problem. Switching virtual
desktops has no effect in my case. And the lockup appear to be
periodic - about every 10 - 15 minutes, lasting a minute or two.

There also appears to be continuous disk activity at the time, but
iotop doesn't show any particular application hogging the disk.
Interestingly, I can launch kreversi and it will often appear on the
desktop while this is happening, but I won't be able to make a move
in it until the lockup the finishes. However, top also doesn't show
any unusual cpu activity.

I had been suspecting a hardware or network issue (I had a similar
problem twice recently - once resolved by reducing my nfs share
connections and the other by replacing a network switch), but this
time switching to Gnome from KDE corrected the problem. Since I have
the same applications running (including dolphin and kontact) plus an
extra terminal (to launch konsole) over the same number of desktops,
this indicates that it is something in the kde desktop environment.

If you create a new user, and run everything with the defaults, do
you still have those lockups ?

No. Of course, Iceweasel has no tabs open and Icedove has no accounts to check. Kontact has no data, etc..

When I run the same applications under Gnome using my regular account things also work.

I'm also running setiathome through boinc in the background, but it appears to be behaving itself.

While potentially moving all my data and settings to new account (one at a time until something breaks) could either cure the problem or identify where it is, it's a lot of work and may not fix anything (in fact I'll probably break things just trying it).

I'm hoping someone can suggest a tool to identify whatever is acting up. As I said, top and iotop don't seem to show anything wrong.

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