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Re: Off-topic posting (was Re: FSF condemns partnership between Mozilla and Adobe to support Digital Restrictions Management)

For future "please use o-t list" hinters, please CC the ot list, even
if you're not subscribed, or perhaps only send to o-t list AND to the

On 5/21/14, Jerry Stuckle <jstuckle@attglobal.net> wrote:
> On 5/20/2014 5:05 PM, David Guntner wrote:

>> Ok, that last bit was a bit insulting, and was uncalled for.  I
>> apologize for that.
> Yes, I find you quite insulting.

To say that immediately after he apologised to you, is rather
disgraceful of YOU Jerry!

>> However, that does not change the fact that you and the other noisy few
> There seem to be a lot of people contributing to this conversation - but
> very few (i.e. ONE) complaining about it.

Wrong Jerry. WE (I include myself and others have already included
themselves) should NOT have needed David's hints in the first place.
We should have only ever posted our flames to the o-t list.

>> THIS list is here for the purpose stated above.  When you guys keep
> Maybe it's useless to you.  Tough.

So you want a degenerate list? I guess you don't care. That's rather
care-less of you.

>> I've been using the internet since the 80's, and yes, I'm perfectly
> In that case I've got you by at least 10 years - I've been on since it

My unmentionable is bigger than yours!

And Jerry, do you say this is NOT o-t discussion?

PLEASE do not reply to to d-uuser; my last 6 emails were all to d-ot,
I CC this to d-user ONLY to demonstrate solidarity with and support
for David Guntner and others who are asking (VERY politely for the
most part I might add) that this type of discussion be moved to
offtopic list.

That is reasonable.

That is fair.

That is per policy.

That is per list designations.

>  If you're not interested in the discussion, killfile it.

Jerry you're not going to win this argument, even if you do keep
trying to be "the last post in the thread".

>> On a strictly personal level, face it - I'm on this list because of its
>> intended purpose.  I should not *have* to take steps to filter out

> As am I.  And if you don't like a discussion, ignore it.  That's what
> filters are for.  And telling someone to take an active conversation
> somewhere else because YOU DON'T LIKE IT - now THAT is the HEIGHT OF

See above. You won't win this one. And it shouldn't be about winning
anyway, we should be showing respect for the others on the list. Your
words leave a little to be desired in that department.

> Then please don't waste any more bandwidth.

Jerry, your endless impulse to always respond to everything anyone
says that remotely or not so remotely relates to you, _is_ a waste of
bandwidth. And unfair. And disrespectful in this context etc etc.

> And although you've been told the same by many people,
> you continue your infantile behavior.

Jerry, meet mirror.

My future posts in this regard shall return to being offtopic list only.


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