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Re: systemd - excessive session-creation time

On 5/19/14, Tom H <tomh0665@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Erwan David <erwan@rail.eu.org> wrote:
>> Le 18/05/2014 08:34, Tom H a écrit :
>>> If you want tty2 to be available permanently and persistently through
>>> reboots, run:
>>> systemctl enable getty@tty2.service
>>> systemctl start getty@tty2.service
>>> The first command will create a
>>> "/etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty2.service" symlink to
>>> "/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service", which is more or less similar
>>> to, in the case of a hypothetical getty@tty2 sysvinit script, having
>>> "update-rc.d enable getty@tty2" create
>>> "/etc/rc{2,3,4,5}.d/Sabgetty@tty2" and "/etc/rc{0,6}.d/Kcdgetty@tty2"
>>> symlinks to "/etc/init.d/getty@tty2".
>> And is there a way toi keep current behaviour : X session on tty 7 ?
> What does the above have to do with X and tty7?

When booting with systemd, and _not_ using an X login manager, instead
logging in to Linux console/vt/tty/getty, and running startx from
there, then X has certain problems.

Like logging out, shutting down, etc.

This is because startx was creating a new ck session for X, which was
not tied to the session that actually ran startx, causing all these
activity perm problems.

If you need more detail, please go read the bugs that were linked earlier.

My second problem (besides logging out and shutting down, which is now
solved by running X on the same tty as startx is run), is the delay
problems, this problem has not been solved yet.


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