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Re: FSF condemns partnership between Mozilla and Adobe to support Digital Restrictions Management

On Sb, 17 mai 14, 13:08:06, Slavko wrote:
> Can i have ideals too? Or are the ideals reserved for FSF, Cory
> Doctorow, etc? Yes, i can!

I never said you or I or Mozilla or Debian don't have ideals 
(http://www.debian.org/social_contract). In fact I would find it 
offensive is someone would imply that. However, having (the same) ideals 
says nothing about the means one is using to try to reach them.
In my opinion FSF is pushing Mozilla to fight a battle it can't win. At 
least not now.

> And when i have my own ideals, am i enough free (and have i enough of
> the free) to tell, that i am disappointed? Tell, that i disagree with
> Mozilla, Adobe, Google, etc... Yes, i can disagree with them!

    I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your 
    right to say it.
        -- Evelyn Beatrice Hall

> Can i see, that from DRM is only small step to ACTA (or similar), if no
> other see it? Yes, i can this too!
> Need i allow shoppers to go into my home, to they can see that i am not
> a burglar? To they can check that i don't steal nothing? No! Really no!
> I am not a burglar and even if i will burglar, there is judge, which
> need to allow this. Then, why i need to allow that companies come into
> my home and use *MY* computer (without paying for this) to protect
> *THEIR* right? No, no, no! I respect their rights and expect, that they
> will respect my rights!

Nobody forces you to install the add-on, certainly not Mozilla or 

Kind regards,
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