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Re: Best list for server only traffic?

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 2:09 AM, Tanstaafl <tanstaafl@libertytrek.org> wrote:
On 5/5/2014 2:56 PM, Robert Crawford <webguytx@gmail.com> wrote:
You might want look at the complete list at list.debian.org


I did... there are, what... 100+ different lists there?


There is a debian-desktop list, but no debian-server list, so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask if I was missing something here, so I did.\

Not sure why some of you seem offended at the idea...

There seem to be a lot of troll-ish posts the past week or so, and your insistence that there should be a debian-server to parallel debian-user is, well, sort of,  the kind of post a troll might write. 

Not to say that you are not sincere in your wish to have a list that focuses on your problem, but it's easy to guess that such a question might not be sincere.

All any of the rest of us know about what you are looking for is that you are administrating a pair of debian servers of some sort running under vmware's ESXi hypervisor, you don't have the patience (sorry to be blunt) to deal with a moderate-to-high traffic list, and you aren't willing to tell us what kind of questions you would ask, assuming there were a "server" list.

So, giving you the benefit of a doubt (and repeating a question that someone else already asked), what kind of servers are you working with? e-mail? general web? time-stamp? NAS? database? identity? general application? application test? number crunching? ... 

What kinds of questions do you need to ask about your servers? bugs? efficiency, making APIs available? ...

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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