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Re: Upgrade debacle........

Chris Bannister,  1.05.2014:
> Did you read my bug report?
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=742875
> Was it the same package that caused the messages?
> Although, I didn't state it explicitly, I thought the message was a bit
> of a "cop out" like yourself¹. But to top it all off it asked me to run a
> command which didn't even exist on my system, as though I was expected
> to jump through hoops myself. Also, considering that I don't even know
> what this gdk-pixbuf-2.0 program is for, (I've never messed with it.) I
> thought that maybe my setup uncovered a bug in the upgrade process
> (after all, remember we are running testing -- helping the project to
> test for bugs and reporting them when we do find them.) since I don't
> run a DE, and maybe hicolor-icon-theme expects one.
> I reported that bug a month ago, not even an acknowledgment from the
> maintainer. It looks like it hasn't even been looked at. Now, from what
> you have posted regarding booting problems (I'm not even sure if I've
> rebooted myself since then -- unfortunately I'd have too many things to
> restart to test it at the moment -- but if I did, I'd raise the bug 
> level.) Hence the reason I asked if could add anything to it. Was it
> even caused by "Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1)"? If
> not, then add that also.
> ¹ I mean that you think the same! NOT that you're a cop out! :)

I run sid and saw the same warning when updating in early March.  I know 
when it happened, because I copied the message into a file as a note to 
myself but then forgot to look at it!  It was for the same version of 
hicolor-icon-theme, 0.13-1, according to my note.  I've updated the 
system several times since then, but hicolor-icon-theme is still 0.13-1, 
which is the latest version available.

I also tried 
  apt-get install --reinstall hicolor-icon-theme
to see if the message would appear again now, but it didn't.

At the time, I didn't check to see if the file
existed.  I also didn't run the command
  gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
However, I checked just now and that file exists, with a non-zero size.  

So either the original warning about the missing file was incorrect, or 
the situation righted itself since.  I see that I also don't have any 
packages which provide gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders, so it's unlikely that 
an update ran that behind the screens.

One thing I noticed, is that the warning message you reported begins with
as does mine, except for the number at the end.  So I suspect that the 
original problem was with gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0 doing something 
wrong at the time, which has been corrected since.  Running
  apt-file search gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0
shows me two packages, libgtk-3-0 and libgtk-3-bin, which were both 
updated recently, according to my dpkg.log files.

Conclusion: I think the bug was probably due to another package, which 
has been fixed since, though it might not have entered testing.

(Oh, and just for the record: I run gnome in fallback mode, have 
rebooted several times and don't remember any problems with icons.)

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