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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

David Guntner grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Paul E Condon grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
>> I need something that I can actually hear even when I not paying
>> attention. I know I asked about getting the beep function working, but
>> now I want to ask about possibilities of getting the external
>> speakers, which I know are working for videos to work for playing a
>> recording of a beep sound.  What I'm trying to have is a way to alert
>> me to stop working on my computer and go do something else like, for
>> instance, a doctor appointment.
> Assuming you're doing this from the shell like you were with the "echo"
> command, use play
> play {somesoundfile}
> And it will play through your media speakers.

I forgot to mention:  The "play" command is part of the SoX package, so
if you try running it and get a "not found" response, install sox.


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