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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 10:40:22PM -0700, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I want my Wheezy desktop (windowing with xfce) to issue a beep after a
> adjustable amount of time. I expected that I could do this with a tiny
> bash script using sleep and echo, but I cannot get echo to make the
> computer issue a beep as it should according to the man page. What
> special knowledge is needed? Why don't I get a beep with:
> echo -e \a

apt-get install beep ?

Description-en: advanced pc-speaker beeper
 beep does what you'd expect: it beeps. But unlike printf "\a" beep allows
 you to control pitch, duration, and repetitions. Its job is to live inside
 shell/perl scripts and allow more granularity than one has otherwise. It is
 controlled completely through command line options. It's not supposed to be
 complex, and it isn't - but it makes system monitoring (or whatever else it
 gets hacked into) much more informative.

Sounds like it does what you want.

I believe this will use the built-in PC speaker (the same one the
BIOS uses to complain about stuff) and not the sound card.

In the past I used a package which I cannot find at the moment. I
*think* it was called "ditty" but my apt-fu is not working for me
today. Had lots of fun getting a whole rack playing "Fur Elise" ...

Hope this helps

Karl E. Jorgensen

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