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Re: Poll: Which Init-System should Debian use in the future?

Le 27.01.2014 13:36, Holger Vogt a écrit :
I've found a interesting poll on heise.de (german it news) today. Its
a survey which init system Debian Users would prefer for future

You can find the Poll here:


The result is quite surprising.

Not really.
There is no identification, and a lot of trolls about systemd exists. Plus, lot of alternatives lacks. So, this poll, like so many others, just means nothing. One could easily vote multiple times ( by hand or with some code ). Someone else will just not mind about this internal detail. A last one will vote even if he does not like or use Debian.

This poll is just useless and means just nothing.

Finally, remember:
_ next debian is not tomorrow, things ( people and softwares ) will evolve. _ Debian support more than one kernel. So, the main choice is not really important: alternatives will always be here, at least to support other kernels ( bsd and hurd for example ). _ Not all users choose what will be used in next Debian version. Only contributors (and probably only some of them). _ you use a poll. Why do not you use the statistics of popcon? As your poll, they are *not* precise ( every debian user does not contribute to them, or can simply give partial informations if noatime is on /usr, for example ), but at least they *might* have a real impact on Debian's future, and show evolutions in time:


The only conclusion you can have from this, is that sysvinit is for now by far more used.
Using this one:

Will show that systemd's userbase growth quickly since last debian stable. Now, we will see what it will become in some months, say, in 4 months, because it seems that the spring is not a long one, it already starts to growth slower, and this graph:

Shows that sysvinit still may still be readopted by some systemd users.

Note that none of those graphs are actual proofs that one or the other is better than the other and as all statistics need to be interpreted carefully. Numbers can say what you prefer.

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