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Re: Mount order after systemd update

On 03/11/14 09:13, Erwan David wrote:
On Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 09:33:30AM CET, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard <J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups@NTLWorld.com> said:
That's what you get when your first recourse is Google rather than the
manual that comes with your software on your computer.  (-:  The manual
pages that you should be reading are:
   * man -S 5 crypttab  #
   * man -S 8 systemd-cryptsetup-generator  # (http://freedesktop.org./software/systemd/man/systemd-cryptsetup-generator.html)
   * man -S 8 systemd-cryptsetup@.service.html  # (http://freedesktop.org./software/systemd/man/systemd-cryptsetup@.service.html)

Sorry, but this doc should be available *before* migration, because it would render things unbootable to insall without configuring.

It *is* available before migration - Jonathan has helpfully provided you with URLs for reading that documentation on the freedesktop.org website. There is also an assortment of other information on freedesktop.org about how to use systemd, above and beyond a complete set of systemd man pages:


Same thing how to GUESS those names ?

I seldom try to *guess* the names of programs I want to read documentation for, since very few programs of *any* kind have decently guessable names. I instead use tools like "apropos relevant-syllable" on my Linux systems (which often provides useful results), and adding things like "documentation" or "manual" or "man page" to my WWW searches.

Here's what "apropos -s 1:4:5:7:8 crypt"[0][1] returns on my Debian jessie system:

mormegil@cocytus:~$ apropos -s 1:4:5:7:8 crypt
cisco-decrypt (1) - decrypts an obfuscated Cisco vpn client pre-shared key cryptoflex-tool (1) - utility for manipulating Schlumberger Cryptoflex data ...
cryptsetup (8)       - manage plain dm-crypt and LUKS encrypted volumes
cryptsetup-reencrypt (8) - tool for offline LUKS device re-encryption
des_modes (7ssl) - the variants of DES and other crypto algorithms of Ope...
gpg (1)              - OpenPGP encryption and signing tool
gpg-zip (1)          - encrypt or sign files into an archive
gpg2 (1)             - OpenPGP encryption and signing tool
gpgsm (1)            - CMS encryption and signing tool
libgcrypt-config (1) - script to get information about the installed version ...
luksformat (8)       - Create and format an encrypted LUKS device
mkpasswd (1)         - Overfeatured front end to crypt(3)
ntfsdecrypt (8) - decrypt or update NTFS files encrypted according to EFS
pkcs15-crypt (1)     - perform crypto operations using PKCS#15 smart cards
smbpasswd (5)        - The Samba encrypted password file
symcryptrun (1)      - Call a simple symmetric encryption tool
systemd-cryptsetup (8) - Full disk decryption logic
systemd-cryptsetup-generator (8) - Unit generator for /etc/crypttab
systemd-cryptsetup@.service (8) - Full disk decryption logic
zipcloak (1)         - encrypt entries in a zipfile

[0] Searching for a distinctive *subset* of a relevant word is usually more helpful than searching for a complete word, hence "crypt" rather than "encrypted" or "encryption" or whatever.

[1] I just discovered the '-s' command line flag to apropos. I am so happy; no more wading through reams of function man pages when I'm trying to find the man page for a program or a configuration file.

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