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How to make more space available for /

I've had a very large job on the go and have only just now had the chance to upgrade from squeeze to wheezy.  I had to do the upgrade from DVDs because I live at the end of a piece of wet string (takes about a day to download one DVD).  The upgrade went reasonably well but I did run out of room on /usr.  I've now symlinked /usr/share and /usr/lib to a larger disc (200GB).  Now, I need to do the upgrade of the wheezy system and the complaint is that there's not enough room on / (I use apt-get to do upgrades and it appears that I need a new kernel and dpkg can't find room on /).  / is a partition of 330MB (seemed a lot when I installed squeeze  a jillion years ago), but what I'd like to do is to install a larger disc (maybe 200-500GB) and use it as my boot disc.  Any ideas on how I can copy my existing / partition and boot information to a new disc?  Would dd be a good idea?  How can I prepare the new disc to be the boot disc and have / on it without disturbing my current system?  Ideally I'd like to set the new disc up, alter the order of booting in the setup, reboot to the new disc, and then clean the system up.  Any ideas on how I can (for example) put a new /usr partition on the new disc and alter /etc/fstab to mount the new partition as /usr, safely without disturbing the existing system?  In these days of udev and UUIDs, can we just alter /etc/fstab and still expect partitions to be mounted?  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Rob Hurle

Rob Hurle
e-mail:    rob1940@gmail.com
Mobile:   0417 293 603 (Australia)
              0948 243 538 (Vietnam)
Telephone:  (02) 6236 3895
28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia

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